3 Core Exercises That Aren’t Crunches

Are you looking to add some core exercises to your workout routine, but HATE crunches?  Yeah, us too.  Crunches have their place, but when it comes to strengthening the core, they focus too much on a singular group of muscles.  However, there are plenty of other ways that you can work that core and never have to think about crunches again!  We utilize several exercises here in the clinic that you can add to your home exercise program including dead bug, low bear holds, and side planks.  Let’s look at what these exercises are and some key points to practice!

Reminder: Breathe while Bracing !

Hopefully, these core exercises help add some variety to your workouts and aid in getting that extra core work in without having to do those dreaded crunches!  For more information or if you have any questions about these exercises, please reach out to us. We love hearing from you and can’t wait to get you back and better than before!


Work Out While You Watch!


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