Four Reasons Why You Should Be Deadlifting

Four Reasons Why You Should Be Deadlifting

Whether you are a pro-athlete, work a typical 9-5 desk job, or do anything in-between… YOU should be deadlifting. 

What is a deadlift? 

In its simplest form, the deadlift is where you pick something up and set it back down. 

There are many variations of this movement including single leg deadlift, sumo deadlift, and romanian deadlift to name a few... But the object of each variation essentially remains the same. 

Today we will focus on the conventional deadlift and four reasons why you should incorporate it into your training program.

#1: Overall Strength Development

The deadlift is one of the biggest compound barbell lifts, meaning it works more than one muscle at a time. It targets the entire posterior chain including the hamstrings, glutes, and back. Strength training is an important part of overall fitness with benefits ranging from increased muscle mass and bone density to weight management. Not only will deadlifts help with strength gains and muscle growth, it could also aid in fat loss. 

#2: Improved Posture

Even if strength isn’t your top priority, deadlifts can help improve your posture. The muscles and surrounding structures utilized during this lift are all responsible for posture. Proper posture improves blood flow, helps keep your nerves and blood vessels healthy, and supports your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Not to mention, related back and neck pain are less likely to occur in those who develop habits of using correct posture.

#3: Injury Prevention

Are you afraid to deadlift due to a “bad back”? It’s true many people are fearful of this lift due to injuries that have been caused by poor execution. However, when the deadlift is performed properly it can actually ease back pain and prevent back irritation. It is also important to note that the deadlift challenges our hips in a stretched position, requiring hip mobility. Without ideal range of motion, the load of the lift can compress our spine and lead to a greater risk of injury. Therefore, the importance of proper instruction and performance is critical. Deadlifts should be done with care to decrease the risk of injury. But we also need to lift heavy, hard, and with confidence in order to provoke favorable adaptations.

#4: Useful In Real Life

We all perform some variation of a deadlift everyday, even if you don’t realize it. When was the last time you had to pick something up off the ground or bend over to tie your shoes? The truth is, deadlifts are a critical part of getting around in everyday life. By performing deadlifts in the gym, we are intentionally challenging our bodies in a way that will make everyday tasks in real life easier and safer so we don’t tweak our backs next time we are helping our friend move a couch up a flight of stairs. 

Hopefully this has brought some light into what deadlifts can be and why they are a foundation of basic movement. Happy deadlifting!


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