Health Through the Holidays

It’s just about that time of year! 

When the weather changes, the daylight becomes limited, and food becomes abundant… putting your health and fitness goals on the backburner can be easy to do. But no matter how many excuses you come up with, making healthy choices throughout the holiday season IS POSSIBLE.

Here are some tips that might help:

  1. Maintain a consistent schedule

    • Because we are creatures of habit, having a routine is so important! But most of us tend to slip out of our routine when the holidays come around. Do your best to maintain a schedule that represents your day-to-day the rest of the year. This can help you sleep better, reduce stress, and it won’t be so hard to get back into the groove of things when the holidays are over.

2. Plan ahead

  • Set yourself up for success! Preparedness is a key way to prevent stress. The less decisions you have to make in the moment, the more likely you are to stick to the agenda and reach your goals. A way I like to prepare for the week is by prepping my lunch on Sundays. Since my lunch is ready to grab and go, I don’t even have to think about what I am going to eat and I am less likely to make unhealthy food choices, no matter how busy I am.

3. Hydrate

  • Water will change your life! Drinking water has endless benefits including increasing energy levels and cognitive function. 

  • It can also take up space in the stomach, leading to a feeling of fullness and reduced hunger. 

Here is a link to calculate how much water you should be drinking every day:

4. It’s ok to say yes... and no

  • Give yourself permission to eat things that you want to eat. (In moderation, of course!). And if you are a people pleaser or influenced by those around you, give yourself permission to say no to things you do not want to consume.

5. If you feel bad for indulging, move on...

  • No sense in sulking! Unfortunately, you can’t go back in time and undo what you did. But fortunately, you can learn from what you did and how it made you feel. If you have an urge to repeat your mistake, think about how it made you feel last time.

6. Keep moving!

  • Been on the couch watching football for too long? Bundle up and go for a walk at halftime! You don’t have to do an extravagant workout to reap the benefits of movement. One of my professors in school always said, “take your dog for a walk, even if you don’t have a dog.” A nap might sound better, but I promise you will feel refreshed and energized after getting outside and moving. You can thank me later. (:

7. Fill up on protein and veggies first

  • Worried about overeating Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner? Fill up on meat and veggies first. If you’re still hungry and want the mashed potatoes then go for seconds. This way, you are likely to have a smaller helping of the calories that don’t provide as much sustenance.

I hope these tips have given you some courage to stay on track this holiday season! I believe in you!!!


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